There is a tactic called shock doctrine.
An unexpected event happens.
The opportunist inflates the surprise and stimulates high levels of shock in a person to increase the emotional response in their brain.
He manipulates the target to believe that the only “hope” is the thing he sells or proposes.
In public policy, shock doctrine is used to pass a policy that then is difficult or nearly impossible to undo.
In long term manipulation, the public gets used to the new policy. They become accustomed to it and forget what life was like before it existed. This is when another policy or culture may be introduced. With repetition, a target or group ends up being slowly conditioned to a result that they never would have agreed to had it been all introduced at once or when there was no emotional response taking place.
If there is resistance to the “secondary” or next policy, the manipulator waits until a new surprise occurs in which they can inflate the shock and find a way to make their next idea relevant.
The questions become:
Who benefits from rushing in this solution?
What is your recourse if their solution harms you?
When a crisis appears:
1) Relax and calm down.
2) Inform yourself well. Research various angles of a topic.
3) Ponder and meditate on the data and ask yourself important questions.
4) Make a decision.
5) Be open to exploring should more information come to light.